

Use the magic 8ball and ask a question. Kosts 1 koin.

!8ball question


Enable to make Krow check for lurk bots and ban them automatically.

!autoban enable

Disable the autoban feature (default).

!autoban disable


Use a ban prize to time out any user from chat and using the bot for one minute.

!ban username


See how many bananas you have in your hoard. Bananas will gradually accumulate based on how active you are in chat.



Bet some of the bananas in your hoard. Kosts 1 koin.

!bet amount

(Amount can be an exact kount or half and all work as well.)


See who is Krow's boi.


See if a specific user is Krow's boi.

!boi username


Make Krowb0t join your channel. (If your chat is in followers-only mode, Krowb0t will need to be made a moderator.)

!bot join

Make Krowb0t leave your channel.

!bot leave

Temporarily disable Krowb0t without making it leave your channel.

!bot disable

Enable Krowb0t if disabled previously.

!bot enable


See all active bounties in a channel.



Add a new bounty for everyone to kontribute using bananas.

!bounty add group bounty_name bounty_description bounty_amount

(Pending update, "group" will soon no longer be required.)

Add a new bounty only a specific person can kontribute to using bananas.

!bounty add username bounty_name bounty_description bounty_amount

Remove a bounty.

!bounty remove bounty_name


See how many fakes Krow will give you.


Start a fakes guessing round. Players can try to guess how many fakes Krow will give to win some prizes. Only Broadcaster or Moderators can do this.

!fakes start

End a fakes guessing round. Only Broadcaster or Moderators can do this.

!fakes end amount

Guess the amount of fakes during a fakes guessing round.

!fakes guess


See how many flowers Mario will get on Booster Hill in SMRPG.


Start a flowers guessing round. Players can try to guess how many flowers Mario will get on Booster Hill to win some prizes. Only Broadcaster or Moderators can do this.

!flowers start

End a flowers guessing round. Only Broadcaster or Moderators can do this.

!flowers end amount

Guess the amount of fakes during a fakes guessing round.

!flowers guess


Koming soon...

!game search

!game set

!game remove


Get a link to this website for help with kommands and other stuff.



See how many bananas you have in your hoard. Bananas will gradually accumulate based on how active you are in chat.



See who has the most bananas in their hoard.



Koming soon...



See how many koins you have. Koins are used for playing slots, entering raffles, betting bananas, and other kommands that kost koins. Koins will gradually accumulate based on how active you are in chat. The most koins you can have is 10.


See how many koins another user has.

!koins username

Give another user some of your koins.

!koins give username amount


Disable any kommand. Used for turning off krowb0t kommands. Kustom kommands can also be disabled but use !kommand remove to actually delete them.

!kommand disable !kommand_name

Enable a kommand if not enabled by default or disabled previously.

!kommand enable !kommand_name

Kreate a kustom kommand to show a message. Use [username] inside of the kommand message if you'd like it to display the username of the person that used the kommand in the message.

!kommand add !kommand_name message

Remove a kustom kommand.

!kommand remove !kommand_name


See a list of all enabled kommands. Includes kustom kommands. Disabled kommands will not be shown.



Kontribute bananas to active bounties in a channel.

!kontribute bounty_name amount


See a list of kontributors for a bounty and how much they each have kontributed.

!kontributors bounty_name

(Some of the early bounties might not accurately reflect kontributors.)


Kreate a kounter that adds or subtracts a specific value.

!kounter add !kounter_name kount

Remove a kounter.

!kounter remove !kounter_name

Increase a kounter by the set amount.

!kounter_name +

Decrease a kounter by the set amount.

!kounter_name -

See a kounters kurrent amount.



Krow will make a Big 20 list of NES games to race. Uses past games and categories from the events.



Ask Krow what movie to watch. Kosts 1 koin.



Ask Krow to imagine a picture for you.

!pic prompt

(Some prompts might be rejected if too inappropriate for Krow to think about...)


See what prizes you have. Prizes can be earned from playing slots and entering raffles.


See what prizes another user has.

!prizes username


See a random quote from all quotes that have been added to the channel. Does not display quotes from other people's channels.


Kreate a quote. Does not add quotations.

!quote add quote

Search for a quote. Shows quotes that match your search and their number.

!quote search query

Remove a quote.

!quote remove quote_number

Replace a quote.

!quote replace quote_number quote

Look up a quote by number.

!quote number


Start or enter a raffle. One player will be chosen at random to win (or lose) some prizes. Starting a raffle kounts as entering it. Kosts 1 koin.



Play the slots to win prizes. Kosts 1 koin.


Set the normal emotes used for slots. These are the more commonly used emotes for most slot rolls.

!slots set normal emote_one emote_two emote_three

Set the crazy emotes used for slots. There are the less commonly seen emotes for more rare slot rolls.

!slots set crazy emote_one emote_two emote_three

(The order emotes are set are the order they are used. If you'd like an emote to be used for a particular result, figure out how the default emotes korrelate with their results and set your orders karefully.)

Default Normal: JKanStyle 4Head Kappa

Default Crazy: CoolCat SabaPing TheIlluminati


See what Kreepy Krow spawns you will get.



See what game you will speedrun next. Kosts 1 koin.



Koming soon...

!tag search

!tag set

!tag remove


Kreate a timer to show a message on a specific time interval.

!timer add minutes !timer_name message

Remove a timer.

!timer remove !timer_name

See a timer message.


(Ability to temporarily disable a timer instead of deleting it will be added in a future update.)


Koming soon...

!title set

!title remove


See how long the stream has been live.



Make Krow show a message if a user's message is a specific word.

!word add only word message

Make Krow show a message if a user's message contains a specific word anywhere.

!word add any word message

Remove an 'only' word.

!word remove only word

Remove an 'any' word.

!word remove any word


See all words that have been added to the channel.
